This should just serve as a short introduction, so lets start:
I always liked to write down AAR's and to share my opinion on wargames with others.
I'm a long time reader of great blogs "Real and Simulated Wars" and "The Sharp End Gaming" and a fan of Pewpewchewchew's youtube channel.
The first military game i ever played was most likely "Operation Flashpoint" back in 2001.
My first real wargame was "Combat Mission: Afrika Korps" in 2005, which is still one of my all-time favorites. Two years later i bought "Combat Mission: Shock Force" and was finally hooked.
Later i got interested in hex based stuff and bought some John Tiller games "Decisive Campaigns: The Blitzkrieg from Warsaw to Paris" and others.
Currently i play them all, from "Graviteam Tactics" and "Combat Mission: Black Sea" over "Command Ops 2" to hex based games like "Squad Battles" and "Panzer Campaigns".
My favorite time period is 1936-1941 but i really dig everything from 1936 to modern warfare.
If the game is really good i also enjoy WW1, Napoleonic or Medieval stuff.
A few more details about me:
- I'm a active infantrymen (OR-4)
- My hobby's are MMA and Ice hockey
- English is not my native tongue as you may have already figured out by now
I'm a pretty hard to please when it comes to wargames (or games in general or movies or whatever), so expect some rants from time to time about missing features or ugly artwork.
Wargames are usually rather expensive and i expect some quality for my money !
Anyway, i will uses this blog for AAR's, reviews and other stuff i think could be interesting for you.
I hope you will like it !
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